0) Setting up before class

RunwayML - make a user with your Umea email (important!) and make sure you can login to the software via the website. Alternatively you download the software in a desktop version here: https://runwayml.com/download/

Plan for today:

Expectations + debugging

<aside> 👉 You can follow along and run the same models as we do, or just observe and take notes.

1) Object detection with Yolo

YOLOv4: https://app.runwayml.com/models/runway/YOLOv4

Input type: Image 📷

Output Type: Array 📋 (Name of detected object, bounding box (x, y, w & h), confidence score)

<aside> 👉 Exercise: Run this model and show your web camera some different object you have on your desk. Notice how this is similar to the pre-trained models in ml5 we explored yesterday.


2) Text generation models