Hand Tracking

Real-Time Tracking - simple is there a hand?

Real-Time Tracking Hand Keypoints

Generating cubes with hands

handTrack02 2.GIF

Hand Tracking Classifier (Golan Levin example)

Hand Tracking Classifier PreLoad saved model

Face Tracking

BlazeFace + p5js - very fast and lightweight, but does not track a lot of points

FaceMesh + +p5js smile factor 😄

FaceMesh smiling controlling the background color: https://editor.p5js.org/AndreasRef/sketches/itzArlmk_

Facemesh + p5js yawn factor 😮

Face-API emotions + p5js 🥺

Same as above, but outputting top emotion on mouse press As above, but also playing sounds As above, but with spotify integration

*** Emotion, Gender, identity recognition models can be contentious ethically but can also provide a platform to have discussions around this bias in Art and Design work.

A great example of work that does this is by Ada Ada Ada:

Ada Ada Ada